SRP – Deep Cleaning
Signs and Symptoms
- Swollen, Red, Tender or Bleeding Gums
- Gums that Recede or move away from the Tooth
- Persistent Bad Breath or a Bad Taste in the Mouth
- Loose Teeth
- Visible Pus Surrounding the Teeth and Gums
Periodontal (gum) disease is an oral health issue that affects those tissues that are around (perio) the teeth (odont). Periodontal therapy from Admire Dental typically begins with more frequent professional teeth cleanings, but as the condition advances, we may recommend additional treatments including scaling and root planing. Scaling is the careful removal of plaque, tartar, and damaged tissue around the gum line. Root planing is a treatment that smooths the root structures to prevent future plaque and tartar buildup and reduces the risk for reinfection.